Thursday, February 11, 2010

Whopping price explosion on the railway station toilet

Cologne - This is called a hyperinflation. For the use of public urinals at Cologne's main train station men must now pay a dollar instead of 60 cents previously.
A fuller premium by 66 percent. And that makes for noisy protests on the quiet village. "This is usury," complains about Bernd S.: "The fact that you are making so much money to fork out for a little pee need for such a large station with so much shame gastronomy."
For the price explosion on the train station bathroom, the company is responsible McClean from Basel. The Swiss maintain the so-called toilet and hygiene center - and thus have a monopoly at the station, other public toilets, it is not there.
The many restaurants, cafes and snack bars required to maintain their own toilet facilities and generally refer to the central toilet Center. There, two zeros mean a lot of money.
McClean, the company that promotes "the concept with the three S" - cleanliness, safety, service quality - adding a further rise in prices in the S: silence. At headquarters, no one wanted to comment on the pricing policy.
The waitress on the spot to defend the new courses. Finally, another had become cheaper. Men paid so far for the big business 1.10 euros. Women in general so much. "Now there is for everyone and everything the unit price of one euro," said the man from McClean.
Only a few meters further, there is a further Mc for even a hamburger ...
Again as ever for a dollar - you just discuss in our forum!